Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Gender Equality Essay Example for Free

Gender Equality Essay Paying more attention to the differences between boys and girls, or men and women, starts getting people to have many ideas about them. The question remains whether we should ignore them or not. I don’t blame the family in the rural Canada for making the girl feel like she’s nothing more than just a girl, because simply these people there could be ignorant. There is a difference of course between men and women, but not that one is inferior to the other, rather as equal but distinct beings. Right before writing my opinion about boys and girls, I asked my dad whether he though there was a difference, and that maybe a girl is a girl because of influence and experience. He told me how he used to take my sister and me to Toys‘r’Us when we were small. He would bring us to what he thought were the cool toys such as mechanical gadgets and how we wouldn’t even look at them and directly walk off like zombies to the Barbie section. This explains how maybe it is in our genes, which bring off a kind of barrier, a difference between a boy, and a girl. Now maybe feminists take it a little to the extreme about female rights, but isn’t that because people (mostly men) have taken the difference between boys and girls to an extent where they forget about equality and what woman are really capable of doing? I still believe that there are many ways of stereotyping men and women these days, even as distinct as they were in the rural Canada in the selection. It is possible, but I believe the more educated we are, the less we will care about whether we are a man or a woman. In some countries, it is the communities’ traditions which still give to men more rights and privileges than to women. This is mostly because people in those areas are not yet socially evolved to the Western level. For example, in Saudi Arabia woman wont dare revolt or express their ideas of what’s really unfair or unethical to them or not. We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isnt a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change. Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn more—commensurate with their qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect. Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another. So why are we viewed as less than equal? These old attitudes are drilled into us from the very beginning. We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up, gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together. Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of the voters. We must demand that we all receive 100 percent of the opportunities.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Investigating for Cations and Anions :: Papers

Investigating for Cations and Anions In this experiment I will investigate what cations and anions are present in various compounds. This will include carrying out a qualitative analysis, because I need to find out what type of cations and anions are there and not quantitative analysis, which includes finding out how much of each element there is. Safety Points:  · Wear glasses  · Wear gloves  · Do not mix more than two solutions  · Only mix the solutions listed by the teacher  · Handle the chemicals with extreme care  · Put the chemical solutions into a test-tube which is resting on a test-tube holder  · Follow school lab safety procedures. Materials:  · Various chemicals.  · Test tubes.  · Boiling tubes.  · Pipettes.  · Test tube holder.  · Bench mat. Method  · I first copied the chemical solutions listed.  · I put on some gloves and safety glasses.  · I got a test-tube holder and placed five test-tubes in it. Cations  · I added the test solutions Copper Chloride to the test-tube.  · To this I added a few drops of Sodium Hydroxide solution. After the few drops a pale blue precipitate of Copper Hydroxide appeared that indicated the presence of Cu ions.  · I then added the test solution Iron Chloride to the second test-tube.  · To this I added a few drops of Sodium Hydroxide.  · After that a brown precipitate of Iron Hydroxide appeared that indicated the presence of Fe ions.  · To the 3rd test-tube, I added the solution Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate and added Dilute Sodium Hydroxide.  · I quickly covered the test-tube with a delivery tube and put the end of it into another test-tube with limewater.  · The limewater turned a cloudy/milky colour which indicated that there was CO present. Anions  · In the 4th test-tube, I poured the solution Copper Chloride into the test-tube.

Monday, January 13, 2020

My Inspiration on my life Essay

As I thought of who I admired most and was successful at their job, I began to think of famous people and people involved in my academic and athletic careers. I realized that I was looking at the wrong people in my life. These people have passed through my life, yet the person who had the most impact was one who affected me every day. My mother, by far, has had the greatest impact on my life and I admire her far more than anyone else. Her heart and determination are something that I can only hope that I too will someday have. The reason my mom is successful at her job and I admire her so much is that, without her I would not be able to do the basic things that I do today. She taught me so much and has had a huge impact on my life. My mother may not be the top of the charts at her job that she works on the week days (Working at the Pentagon), but she over achieves in her job of being a mom. She is successful at her job because she was able to raise my sister and me to be the people we are today, from the very beginning of our life to now. I have watched her struggle with running a household, giving my sister and me rides, and working every week at her job. I did not realize as a young child how much courage, strength, and determination it took to take on this work. She never hesitated to drop everything to rush my sister and me to dance, soccer, church, or wherever we needed to go. I could always look up from the sidelines of a game to see her cheering me on. She has never given up on me and she always tries her hardest to do what’s best for me. I admire my mom far more than anyone because even though she might have been having the busiest day of her life, she always somehow made time for family. She also taught me that if you believe in yourself you can achieve anything. She would push me harder to help me accomplish my goals and she taught me to do things with 110% effort. My mom has shown me that with determination and perseverance one can accomplish a nything. I have seen my mother give up as she struggled to be a better person, raise a family, and work a job, but she has always supported me in all my choices. She strived to make my sister and me strong people with independent minds. I look to her in hopes that someday I will be as happy, as strong, and as well-spoken as her. She has taught me the most important thing in life – never give up on your dreams. I thank her dearly for helping me become who I am today. I would have never made it as far as I have without her help. Read more:Â  The person I admire essay example

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rising High School Seniors

Colleges and high schools have such odd terminology. As if the alphabet soup of academic acronyms wasnt enough, there are all the strange terms — bursar, for example, yield and Jan Term. So when your childs counselor refers to him as a rising senior, what on earth does that mean? Once upon a time, a kid was a junior until June of his junior year. When the bell rang on the last day of school, he became a senior — even if the start of the next academic year was still two months away. Now, hes called a rising senior. (Clearly, its only a matter of time before preschoolers are called rising kindergartners!) The term is primarily used at college prep high schools in the United States and when colleges discuss admissions season, as in, We offer overnight visits to rising seniors. Colleges rarely use the term to discuss their students, and in fact, the freshman/sophomore/junior/senior terminology is increasingly giving way to alternative descriptions based on how long a student has attended, as in the first year, second year and so on. How Rising Seniors Should Spend Their Time Your rising senior is in the home stretch of high school, and over the summer he likely wants to hang out with friends, sleep, swim, play video games, take a road trip or lounge around doing nothing. Once hes gotten that out of his system, its important to devote two or three hours a week to start in on college applications. He may pester you that this is his time off, but students who begin the admissions process during summer before their senior year are most successful. Here are four things to put on the to-do list: Create a college list: Determining where to apply is the most important action to take over the summer. Figure out where youre going to get your information to decide which college is the best fit for your child. Also, start looking into the financial aid that you might qualify for. Contact those colleges: Presenters at a National Association for College Admission Counseling convention stated that colleges admissions officers are turning down some otherwise qualified students for no other reason than the fact that the students had no contact with them before submitting their applications. Your rising senior needs to show â€Å"demonstrated interest† — a term used by colleges to note the frequency and quality of contact students have with admissions offices which indicated the likelihood of a student to enroll if offered admission. Heres how to jumpstart that process: Sign up for the college admissions mailing list on its website.Find out the names and emails of the admissions representatives assigned to your high school and contact them to relay your interest.Visit colleges and arrange interviews.Go to local college fairs to meet and talk to college reps face to face. Get an early start on applications and essay questions: Filling out your college applications is a critical part of the process and dealing with the dreaded essay can be daunting. Rising seniors should fill out at least one application before school starts. This will help to demystify the process so prospective students can confidently handle applications during the year.